Permaculture Vancouver Meetup (@ McBride Park Fieldhouse)
ST1 Reg YES. POS Drop-in NO. Pass Scan NO2024 Community Centre - Winter - 2024 Winter West Point Grey|#483983
Feb 21, 2024
8 yrs +, Mixed
Food, Cooking and GardeningAll AgesCCA Contractor Business - Category 1
Join us for a
community meal and an educational topic (this month's topic - TBD).
Optionally, please either bring your own dinner or something to share for the
potluck, and plate or bowl, and cutlery. We'll have a community seed library
present - pick up some free seeds for your garden, swap or donate seeds. At
McBride Park Fieldhouse (2049 Waterloo St @ 4th and Waterloo).
Activity meeting dates
Feb 21, 2024
Wed6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Village Vancouver
More Information
SupervisorCentre Activity Admin - KH West Point Grey
Number of sessions1
DepartmentWP - Senior Revenue (4050)
Registration dates
From Dec 9, 2023 9:00 AM
Refund Policy
Full refunds will be issued minus a $5 administrative fee for all programs cancelled prior to the start date of the program. Pro-rated refunds, based upon the number of classes that have passed, will be provided for classes cancelled after the start date and where instruction has been provided. Anyone who is unable to attend a program due to a change of date or time will be provided with a full refund for that class.
NOTE: The nature of the activity is such that you may interact with other people who are considered to be in good health, continuous physical distance between other people cannot be guaranteed, and, by participating in the activity, you are at risk of being infected by a pathogen, including but not limited to SARS-COV-2. SARS-COV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19, may exacerbate other health issues and is the cause of an ongoing global pandemic. SARS-COV-2 is highly communicable and dangerous. If you become infected with SARS-COV2, you may transmit it to other people even if you are not exhibiting symptoms of illness.
Communicable Disease Health & Safety Practices:
• Participants should assess themselves daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease before attending a program.
• Participants who are ill, including participants of essential service providers, should not attend a program or access the Community Centre. If you are unsure, you should self-isolate and contact 8-1-1 or the local public health unit.
• All participants are encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette by covering coughs or sneezes.