Community Lunch Program

ST1 Reg YES. POS Drop-in NO. Pass Scan NO
2024 Community Centres - Summer|#512045

Jul 12, 2024
All ages, Mixed
SocialAll AgesCCA Employee - Category 1


Meals include a hot entree, salad or side dish, dessert, coffee or tea. We try our best to use locally grown seasonal vegetables and fruit from community gardens! Lunches will be served on a first come first served basis. Lunch can be bought in person with cash /credit card or on line with credit card , limit of 4 per person. Limited number of lunches available. Adults/Seniors $7.62+tax, Children/Youth $6.19+tax

*This week's menu has not been released by the chef*

Fees for this program are non-refundable.

Activity meeting dates

Jul 12, 2024
FriNoon - 1:00 PM
Jul 12, 2024
FriNoon - 1:00 PM


Andy Woolverton

More Information

SupervisorCentre Activity Admin - PP Renfrew Park
Number of sessions1
DepartmentRF - Seniors - Tax (2501)

Registration dates

From May 26, 2024 9:00 AM
Lunch can be bought in person with cash /credit card or on line with credit card, limit of 4 per person. Limited number of lunches available. Adults/Seniors $7.62+tax, Children/Youth $6.19+tax

Fees for this program are non-refundable.

NOTE: The nature of the activity is such that you may interact with other people who are considered to be in good health, continuous physical distance between other people cannot be guaranteed, and, by participating in the activity, you are at risk of being infected by a pathogen, including but not limited to SARS-COV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19.

Communicable Disease Health & Safety Practices:
·Participants are required to comply with the current Orders of the Provincial Health Officer. For more information, please cut and paste into your web browser:
·Participants should assess themselves daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease before attending the Facility.
·Participants who are ill, including participants of essential service providers, should not attend a program or access the Community Centre. If you are unsure, you should self-isolate and contact 8-1-1 or the local public health unit.
·All participants are encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette by covering coughs or sneezes.