Sensory Play Beyond Playdough
ActivitySummer 2024|#13716
Suitable for child care providers, child care workforce, and parents.
Stephanie Sagmoen Siqueira & Bobbie Felix
This workshop will identify what it means to be a sensory-friendly child care and key considerations for educators. We will explore creating sensory-friendly environments both inside and outside and the benefits of sensory play for all learners including English Language Learners and children with special needs. In a hands-on setting, we will share how to introduce a variety of sensory play opportunities into different settings and support children that may have sensory sensitivities. Come prepared to explore a variety of sensory play materials.
Join us 6:15-7:00pm for light refreshments!
Stephanie is a kindergarten teacher in Surrey. She enjoys supporting educators through professional learning opportunities focusing on social emotional and play-based learning. She began her career as an ECE in the lower mainland and has since developed a love for global education working in classrooms across Canada, Europe, and Brazil. Stephanie is passionate about bridging the gap between ECE and early primary and holds a BA ECE, BED, and M.ECEC.
Bobbie is a Strong Start Facilitator with Surrey Schools with an extensive background in early childhood education. With a passion for learning through play and the 100 languages of children, she focuses on the well-being and belonging of the family. This focus allows for collaboration to be meaningful and visible in the development of the child, as stated through the BC Early Learning Framework.