Personal Information collected is authorized under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for purposes of setting up an account in the City’s recreation registration system. If you have any questions or concerns about how your information will be used, contact the City’s Records and FOIPPA Administrator at 604.927.5250 or

Before you can register for a recreation program, you need to set up an account. Your account is protected by password so only you can access it. Your personal information will be stored with your account, but your credit card information will not. The entire recreation system is fully hosted on a third party data centre located in Canada. The company who provides our recreation solution is:

717 North Harwood Street
Suite 2500
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: (469) 291-0300
Toll Free: 1(888) 543-7223

Active Network’s Terms of Use can be found here:

The information about Active Network’s use of cookies and other technologies can be found here:

Active Network’s Privacy Policy can be found here: